The change starts today: Tips on how to integrate healthier meals into your diet

Davis Warner
By Davis Warner
7 Min Read
healthier meals
healthier meals

Everyone wants to eat healthier meals, but in many cases, it can be quite challenging, and we must admit that junk food tastes delicious and is usually easier to prepare. This is why we often shy away from healthy foods and don’t pay that much attention to what we eat, which is not great, as we can experience a lot of problems and issues, including obesity. 

Eating healthy food is not an impossible mission, but indeed, it is something that will seem challenging at first. The most evident step you can take is to cook at home to have better control over what you eat. Still, at first, you will probably need guidance in this process, but don’t worry, as we are here to help you, and have prepared a guide with everything you need to know to start eating healthier today.

Want to find out more? Keep reading.

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Cook at home

Cooking at home will offer you a healthier diet than eating out, as you can control what you put on your plate. So, if you want a more nutritious diet, the first and best thing is to increase the time you eat at home and reduce the time you eat out. When you eat something another person prepares, you could ingest food high in chemical additives, salt, sugar and unhealthy fats, which can negatively impact your body and make you feel irritable, tired and bloated. 

Additionally, at home, you are in complete control of what you are cooking, and in this way, you will know that you always eat something fresh, boosting your energy, making you healthier and stabilising your mood. But here comes a problem: not many people like to cook at home. If cooking at home is a problem for you, you should consider some easy tasks that will make you cook more.

For example, you could listen to music while cooking, which will greatly help you in this process. Moreover, it may also be a great idea to consider kitchen remodelling, which will make you fall in love with your cooking space and increase your chances of spending more time in the kitchen. 

For example, you could choose green kitchens, as this colour is related to nature. Because of this, it can make you feel more relaxed, as your kitchen will become a soothing and refreshing environment. Will this help you cook healthier foods? Yes, it will. 

Consider what you like to eat

When you want to integrate healthier meals into your diet, looking at what you like to eat will be a good idea. Switching to a healthier diet will not mean you will need to cut all the ingredients you enjoy eating but find ways to integrate them into more nutritious meals. So, note all the ingredients you prefer to eat, and try to find recipes with them. 

Even if your favourite meal is French fries or pizza, you will be able to find recipes that offer healthier alternatives. Of course, they will provide a better nutritional value, which is a great advantage. 

Start with easy recipes

If you are not a pro at cooking, it is always easier to start with simple recipes, as this will ensure that you will not perceive cooking as a tedious process. So, don’t start with a recipe that takes more than two hours and has a long list of ingredients; instead, opt for something simpler. 

Additionally, you should add more vegetables and fruits into your diet because they offer many advantages to the human body, as they are rich in fibre, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Again, you will not need to complicate with difficult recipes, as there are a lot of simpler solutions to consider.

For example, you can incorporate more veggies and fruits into your diet with the help of smoothies, salads, and even spaghetti made from vegetables. Furthermore, it would be a good idea for half of your plate to have veggies and fruits. 

Opt for whole grains

Whole grains are another great idea for a healthier diet because they are high in nutritional value and contain magnesium, fibre, B vitamins, and zinc. They are also an excellent way to start cooking healthier, as they are easy to cook and offer all the necessary nutrients. Quinoa, oats, and bulgur are excellent options to introduce whole grains into your diet. 

Limit salt and sugar

Eating healthier will also mean limiting the quantity of salt and sugar you add to your meals. For instance, when it comes to sugar, we eat more than needed, which, in the long run, can lead to problems for our health, including heart disease or high blood pressure. If you are a woman, you should eat less than six teaspoons of sugar, and as a man, the quantity should be less than nine teaspoons.

To verify the amount of sugar you eat, you need to check the ingredients and look at all the sweeteners you eat, as they can include everything, such as sugar, be it white or brown, maple syrup, or honey. 

Regarding the amount of salt, you shouldn’t consume more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day, and luckily, you will be able to keep this amount under control if you cook at home. 

Are you ready to eat healthier?

Eating healthier is not hard if you start simply and not cut all the ingredients you are used to consuming right away. Instead, if you take things slowly and embrace this change, you will surely have a positive experience. 

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